本文作者: HTHapp
I 印尼国际物流专业服务商 ,尊重原创内容,请勿侵权,或者以任何形式转载。
电子烟在国内是非常红火的科技产业,电子烟和烟油在目前的电子产品和香烟的替代品来说还是非常成功的。但是印度尼西亚当地的海关是非常的严格对于许多的产品,包括纯电池、充电宝、电子烟、对讲机、"家具类、玩具类、五金、汽车配件、摩托配件、鞋 子类、箱包、灯具类、文具类、饰品、小家 电、" 机器、厨具、LED灯、手机
盒 "牌子货(国际大牌)、电池类(包括各类移动电源)、化妆品、液体粉末(非化工品、油漆、胶水、墨水 等)、平衡车、3 岁以下童装、食品、液晶屏、手机 电脑配件(手机主板、电脑主板、显卡、内存、硬 盘、U 盘、芯片、服务器、手持游戏机)纺织品、"这些的产品都是可以发到印度尼西亚的。
最低消费0.5CBM,1CBM=500KG(Single ticket minimum consumption 1CBM, 1CBM=500KG)
(The consigner must provide detailed Chinese packing list (including single item details, weight, size, value), proforma invoice)
3.超重的计算方法:实际重量/500KG或600KG=计费立方数;(Overweight calculation method: actual weight / 500KG or 600KG = billing cube number;)
4.长/宽/高单边超过2米 或者单件超过1.5吨目的港派送费需另外确认
(The length/width/height of one side exceeds 2 meters or the single port exceeds 1.5 tons of destination port delivery fee.)
(Fragile goods must be hit with a wooden frame/wooden case; damages are not paid in transit;
if the goods are lost, the outer package is in good condition without compensation;)
(The company’s merchandise must be presented with a gimmick.If there is no head number, a warehouse will refuse to receive goods, chaos, lost goods, etc.
Our company is not responsible for)
(Delivery only to the downstairs, do not go upstairs; if you need delivery driver to go upstairs or move into the warehouse
please consignee to negotiate with the driver)
(If the customer checks the counter due to understatement of the value of the goods, the responsibility and costs incurred shall be borne by the consignor.)
(The receipt of the warehouse is only for external packaging inspection. If there is no problem with the packaging,
the packaging will not be responsible. Fragile crushing division is not responsible for)
(If the sensitive goods in the goods are mixed with ordinary goods, the whole ticket will be charged as sensitive goods.)
11.接有单证货物,开发票(Cargo documents, invoices )